참조: https://github.com/java-decompiler/jd-gui/issues/196
아래 2가지 방법중 하나 사용
See issue #187 for the fix. This works on Java 9 and 10.
I fixed my Mac launcher by going into the JD-GUI.app/Contents/MacOS folder and updating the Java call in the .sh file as follows (the two --add-opens lines):
exec "$JAVACMD"
-cp "${JVMClassPath}"
--add-opens java.base/jdk.internal.loader=ALL-UNNAMED
--add-opens jdk.zipfs/jdk.nio.zipfs=ALL-UNNAMED
${JVMOptions:+$JVMOptions }
${JVMDefaultOptions:+$JVMDefaultOptions }
${JVMArguments:+ $JVMArguments}
OK so I solved this by specifying the version to run inside of the Info.plist file.
To access that right click on the OSx JD-GUI icon and go to "Show Package Contents" then navigate into the "Contents" directory and open "Info.plist" inside of a text editor.
You want to look for the line that looks like:
<key>JVMVersion</key> <string>1.7+</string>
I believe the issue I was experiencing was caused by having Java 10 installed so the real issue may be that High Sierra is OK but Java 10 causes problems. To fix that I specified the Java 7 runtime in the Info.plist file by changing the above line to the following:
<key>JVMVersion</key> <string>1.7</string>
This allows me to run the JD-Gui from the osx .app wrapper as I did before my update.
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